Saturday, December 16, 2017

Additional Photos of December's Meeting

Thursday, December 14, 2017

December Meeting - Show Your Legacy

by Heather Murphy

We had a wonderful evening at our December meeting sharing pieces of our past and present.  At the beginning of our meeting we were presented with the 2018 TCGS Board, from left, Jim Macica - President, Art Kelly - Vice President, Margaret Dunn - Treasurer, (not pictured) Dan Metzger - Secretary.  We are grateful to them for their service.

There are several opportunities for additional members to be more involved in the functioning of the society.  We are looking for someone to fill the Membership Chair as well as assistants to other positions.  Oftentimes something comes up, such as an out of town trip or an unexpected illness, and our main volunteers could use an assistant to help with their load or in case of the previously mentioned situations.  If your could share a little bit of your time, please contact a member of the board to discuss how your hands could be of service.  You can find contact information here.

We had time for socializing and enjoying the many displays presented by our members regarding their family history or hobbies.  I have included a few of the wonderful displays below.

Dennis Armstrong presented a stitch work piece by Johanna Nilsson.  The small picture is of Johanna and some of her family members with the stitchery hanging on the wall on the left in her home.

Mary Kay Walker provided a lovely display of various purses and photographs of women.

Hula is an activity that Sandra Floberg has enjoyed.  She made nearly all of these items on display.  She explained that Kumulipo (the green book on the right) is a hula that tells the story of the world from its creation.  In one of her hula classes she was instructed to create a hula telling her own story beginning at her earliest known ancestor.  That project is what began her interest in genealogy.

Thank you to everyone who brought items to display.  It was a wonderful way to share a little bit of ourselves, and our families, with each other.